🤔Why Premium?

This page will explain all the benefits or purchasing premium version of Random Stuff Api


1. Access to beta endpoints:

Purchasing Random Stuff Api premium allows you to access beta endpoints, beta endpoints are newly added endpoints that aren't fully ready for production and will require additional testing to point out any bugs. You will retain access to the beta endpoints even when it has entered the production phase!

Fun Fact

/weather, and /facts endpoints were also at one point in beta and it was later decided to add /facts as a premium endpoint

2. Access to premium endpoints:

Purchasing Random Stuff Api premium also allows you to access premium endpoints, premium endpoints are those endpoints that are only accessible through the premium version and can perform amazing functions.

Fun Fact

The /anime endpoint was once a premium endpoint but upon mass request for that endpoint to be added under the free plan, it was changed to a free endpoint

3. Increased Rate limits

Purchasing Random Stuff Api premium increases the number of requests allotted to you every hour/every day!

Need More Requests? Contact PGamerX after joining Discord Server

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

(Courtesy: RapidApi)

Is my payment information secure? => Credit cards are processed through a PCI-compliant banking partner.

Why do you require a credit card for a freemium API? => We work directly with API providers to implement clear, transparent pricing for developers. The Provider may require a credit card if a plan has a quota with an overage fee. If you would no longer like to use the API, you can unsubscribe from the plan at any time by clicking the "unsubscribe" button under the Billing section of the RapidAPI Dashboard.

What if I exceed my plan limits? => Depending on your plan's specification, you will either incur overage charges or be suspended.

When will I be billed? => We charge your credit card upon subscription to an API's plan and at the next recurring interval.

How are refunds handled? => For refund requests, please contact us at support@rapidapi.com

Last updated